Prostate Cancer: Causes, Symptoms and Solutions

 What is Prostate Cancer?

Prostate Cancer is the occurrence of abnormal growth of cells in the prostate glands which soon grows out of control. Cancer is often caused by the growth of cells in any part of the body and if unchecked could expand to other parts of the body.

Prostate Cancer is common with men; the prostate is located below the bladder. The main organ in men which carry urine and semen out of the body through the penis is the urethra which is also passes through the center of the prostate.

Prostate Cancer is often observed in men above 40 years and according to medical reports about 6 in10 men have cases of the ailment. Efforts made by medical experts have identified risk factors that increase the possibility of getting Prostate Cancer.

The use of supplements is an effective means to guide against prostate cancer

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Causes of Prostate Cancer

The cause of Prostate Cancer is yet to be identified but studies show men above 55 are more vulnerable and likely to experience prostate cancer. Modification of the DNA of a normal prostate cell has however been identified as the likely cause of the disease. The DNA which is the chemical component of cells that makes up the genes and controls the function of the cells.

Any changes in the DNA can be inherited by the offspring’s of the man thus explaining the hereditary nature of prostate from father to son.

Medical research has identified changes in the DNA of a normal prostate cell as the primary cause prostate cancer. During the division of a cell into 2 new cells in the process it copy’s its DNA to the new cells. Errors might occur in the process thus giving birth to defective DNAs in the newly created cells.

The DNA is responsible for transferring characteristic of a parent to children thus if the DNA has mutated in error it is passed on to the children.

The chances of mutation occurring is directly proportional to the speed at which prostate cells grow and divide. Consequently factors that speed up the process of mutation is likely to make the growth of prostate cancer possible.

Also very high levels of androgens (male hormones like testosterone) promote and contribute to prostate cancer risk in men.

An inflammation of the prostate in most cases also leads to cell DNA damage which alters the nature of normal cells in men to become cancer cells.

Symptoms of Prostate cancer

At the early stages of development it shows no noticeable symptoms but as it matures certain symptoms can be noticed and includes;

1.      Painful ejaculation

2.      Loss of appetite and weight loss.

3.      Often time there is blood in the urine also known as Hematuria.

4.      Frequent urinating and intense pain while urinating.

5.      Pain in the lower pelvic, lower back and upper thighs.

The use of supplements is an effective means to guide against prostate cancer

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Risk Factors associated with prostate cancer


Dietary patterns and lifestyle are major risk factors that increase the risk of prostate cancer. Consumers of animal fat, calories and refined sugar are prone to developing this ailment. Men are advised to take in more fruits and vegetables and to exercise more. Obesity which is linked to over-eating also increases the risk of a man developing prostate cancer.

Family History

It has been noticed that prostate cancer runs in certain families which suggest it is hereditary; though it can still occur in men who do not have a history of the disease in their family. However from statistics, if any member of a man’s immediate family is affected by it the higher the chances of a man in that family developing the symptoms of prostate cancer. This accounts for about 10% of cases around the world.


As a man ages, he runs a higher risks of getting prostate cancer. Men less than 40 rarely develop it but from 55 upwards damage to genetic materials of the prostate is highly possible.


African and Caribbean men according to data released from medical reports have higher incidence of developing prostate cancer more than Americans, Asians and Hispanic men. Rapid growth of the tumor, spread and subsequent death of Africans has been observed. No solid explanation has been given to explain this phenomenon though environmental and dietary factors have been considered to be the major cause for this.


Smokers are more likely to develop prostate than non-smokers. Studies conducted at several medical labs on patients came to the conclusion that there is a direct relationship between smoking and getting prostate cancer.

Prevention and cure for Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer can be prevented by engaging and doing things that keep your heart healthy; eating right, not smoking and taking regular exercise. Adopting these strategies reduces the risk of prostate cancer,

Men who are overweight and consume high quantity of dairy products and calcium have a higher risk of developing prostate cancer. However, certain basic dietary and daily activity mitigates to a large extent the risk of prostate cancer.

1.      Sufficient and regular exercise

2.      Maintain a healthy weight

3.      Consume a variety of fruits, vegetables and whole grain.

4.      Avoid the consumption of red and processed meats and sugar sweetened beverages.

5.      Limit the excess intake of supplements that contain calcium.

Treatment for Prostate Cancer

Due to improvements in the medical field better treatments have been developed to tackle prostate cancer which has increased the survival rate of infected men.

Though prostate cancer grows slowly its growth can be aggravated if proper measures are not taken to reduce its growth rate.

A method known as Biopsy which is essential a minor surgery is used to treat prostate cancer. It involves the study of pieces of cancer tissues to ascertain if it’s indeed prostate cancer. After this is done the cancer tissues are removed with care taken not to cause any side effects.

Other methods include radiation therapy, hormone therapy, immunotherapy, chemotherapy and many more advanced techniques.

The use of supplements is also a very good way to prevent chances of experiencing prostate cancer. Getting a food supplement that supports prostate health and contributes to urinary comfort in men is advisable. 

                              To learn more about an effective health supplement for prostate health 


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